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Girls Volleyball For Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of Girls Volleyball. This incredible team sport has so much to offer, but we know it can be intimidating when you’re a newbie. That’s why we’ve rounded up all of our volleyball basics and need-to-know VB info for beginners.

We hope that this collection of resources will help you learn the game!

Featured Volleyball Resources For Beginners

What Is An Ace In Volleyball? Ace Serves Explained (With Video)!

There are lots of volleyball terms thrown around at games, and these include terms you may not have heard before. If you find yourself asking ‘what’s an ace in volleyball’, we have a detailed explanation and sample video below! If you’re new to volleyball, you may find this list of common volleyball terms especially helpful!…

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Girls Volleyball Positions: VB Player Positions + Numbered Court Positions Explained

If you’re new to volleyball, this guide will break down the numbered positions on a volleyball court, as well as define the various player positions. Girls Volleyball is played 6v6, meaning there are 6 girls on the court on each side of the net. The positions on the court are numbered, and as girls progress…

Continue Reading Girls Volleyball Positions: VB Player Positions + Numbered Court Positions Explained

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