Welcome To GirlsVolleyball.co
We Are An Online Resource For Girls Volleyball: Rules Of The Game, Practice Tips, Volleyball Gear, Training Equipment + More!
Looking to take up the game of volleyball? Trying to decide which gear is best for your daughter? Or perhaps you are a long-time VB player who is ready to upgrade to new gear, and you need a few tips. Regardless of where you are in your journey with Volleyball… we have something for you.
We’re dedicated to gathering tips, resources and top picks for girls volleyball gear, and we’ll answer common questions about the sport for beginners, too. We have everything players need to find success on the court. We’re glad you’re here.
GirlsVolleyball.co Recent Posts:
What Is An Ace In Volleyball? Ace Serves Explained (With Video)!
There are lots of volleyball terms thrown around at games, and these include terms you may not have heard before. If you find yourself asking ‘what’s an ace in volleyball’, we have a detailed explanation and sample video below! If you’re new to volleyball, you may find this list of common volleyball terms especially helpful!…
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Volleyball Court Basics: Girls Net Height + Dimensions For Indoor VB
Girls volleyball regulation net height (for girls over age 12, indoor) is 7 feet, 4 1/8 inches. The following diagram breaks down all the basic dimensions of the Girls Volleyball Court, so you can view them all in one place. This diagram covers all of the basic dimensions and court markings and dimensions. For more…
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Girls Volleyball Positions: VB Player Positions + Numbered Court Positions Explained
If you’re new to volleyball, this guide will break down the numbered positions on a volleyball court, as well as define the various player positions. Girls Volleyball is played 6v6, meaning there are 6 girls on the court on each side of the net. The positions on the court are numbered, and as girls progress…
Best Volleyball Slides: Top 3 Off-Court Volleyball Slides For Girls
Volleyball style doesn’t end on the court. To protect expensive court shoes, girls routinely change into and out of their court shoes before and after practice. Looking for the best volleyball slides for this purpose? You’re in the right place! We’re here to share the top styles for to-and-from practice. These are the best volleyball…
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Best Volleyball Shorts: Top 6 Girls Volleyball Spandex Styles
We’ve tried a lot of volleyball gear in our household over the years. I’ve ordered lots of different shorts (and had to return a lot, too). While finding the best spandex shorts for volleyball doesn’t seem like rocket science, there are definitely some brands and styles that are more likely to work well for the…
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